The day that changed my life part 3

So were were we back at the motel, after all the thinking I did about how damn close me and my late husband were, we done everything together where you seen one of us you seen the other and I knew in my heart I couldn't get that lucky again and to now have the whole damn family be gone was just not fair to me I guess I wanted to go too, so over the following week the plans were being made for me to fly to Washington with my dog Shaylynn to my friends house Bill Green, he opened his home to my dog and I, he had just lost his wife a couple of months before I lost my husband so he knew what I was going threw and that's why we connected on the internet on tagged, I had wrote a blog on saying in need of a friend that knows loss, there was alot of people that responded but his was true and trusting so we became real close friends, and I can never pay that man back for what he did for us and whats a shame is he is now homeless they foreclosed on his house after his wife died and no one is helping him and that's just not how karma is suppose to work, he is in Seattle Washington if anyone can offer him work or a room, I wished I knew what to do but it's hard from Canada but I at least can let everyone that reads this know what kind of a gentle man he is and how kind to take a total stranger in his home, Bill I thank you and will always have a place in my heart for you and I hope someone helps you get on your feet like you helped me pay it forward, because I don't know what would of happened if I would of had to lose my dog as well but again thanks to Bill we got to stay together, please bare with me I know i am gonna forget things and have to go back and forth but I will get it all out there, so after months went by and I was trying to be a person a empty very empty person with no future plans but to return to my hometown Middletown Ohio was my only plan but first a friend asked me to come visit in Cincinnati Ohio which I did and Bill drove me and my dog and it was a big mistake you can never trust just anyone that's why I am a little shocked I came to Canada  but I was following my heart, but anyways I stayed a few weeks and then I found out this so called friend wanted to marry me, MARRY ME??? wth I thought what am I some kind of pass around Sally grrrr what is wrong with some men so I knew I had to get my dog to safety because they (his roomate and his mom) had made threats on my dog and one nite followed threw and I went down and her neck was cut not bad but bad enough to let me know we were both is danger so I made a plea on tagged and facebook for someone to please take her of course I didn't want to lose the last of my family but damn I couldn't see her dead too and I knew because I told him no way to marriage that he would kill her, so this one woman Kathy Guzik from Cleveland, Ohio ...
she said she would come that night and she would take care of her and omg when I met her I felt in my heart this woman really cares and Shaylynn really cared about her as well, but then that was the beginning of my self destruction  mode and she even tried to let me stay there and God bless her heart she couldn't watch me go down that suicidal road and being drunk to numb the pain but she and I are very very close friends and I never want to lose her, Thank you Kathy for everything you did and tried to do your the best, so now here I was in Ohio and lost once again but now without my dog or anyone so I talked to Bill he said come back home awwww and that's just what I did and then I pulled myself back up once again and I am here to tell you no matter what you have it in you to pull yourself up but truthfully one more time and I don't know if I can say that I really Don't, If there is any questions that anyone has I would be glad to answer them and please feel free to ask and now it's time to work on my book, but I have to give credits first to cuz of them I found two loves of my lifes and to Kath Guzik and to  Bill Green and last of all to my wonderful best friend and husband Shawn Monsinger.

Sincerely Deborah Monsinger ( Molitor ) 


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