From the beginning of my life part 3

So my mom let me and my child stay with her until I found a apt and which didn't take long, so I was on my own and doing pretty good I am not gonna say it was easy but I was making it, I had two jobs and after awhile I started dating and thinking about going back to school to be a nurse so I met a ambulance driver and he suggested a school where they would pay for day care which was great, so him and I became really close friends and he helped with my study's His name was Kevin Jack Jeffries, and I really started to trust him and care for him so we began to date and become real close so close he asked me to marry him which I was a little to gun shy at that time.

So we just dated for a few years and then I needed to break this relationship off because he deserved someone who did want to be his wife and that was the only right thing to do, to my surprize my friends and I went out for the night and I met a real nice guy and we spent most of the night dancing oh did I love to dance and after that it was getting late and I had to get some sleep for work in the morning so he asked for my phone number which of course I was still a little shy about it but I gave it to him and he called every nite and kept asking me out so I finally gave in and I thought he was so sweet, we dated for about six months and then we went to ohio to get married then we went back to our apt for a small reception and all of a sudden these two black men came in because we had the door open waiting on a few more people to show up.

there was only three people there at that time but these two men looked at my brand new husband and said you know were not here to just beat you and I was in shock for one I had no idea who they were and what was going on so out of reaction as soon as i seen one of them had a gun on his side and they pulled out bats I grabbed there arms well there coats and then my new husband ran like hell out the back door and one ran after him and the second one stayed there and said one thing to me since we can't do what we came here to do you will do?? it had to be a good half hour he beat me with that damn bat and then his friend came back cuz he couldn't find my husband and they were both beating me with them bats and I remember saying your gonna kill me and they had no reaction to that, and after watching all the blood all over the ceiling I knew I wasn't gonna make it and I tried blocking the bats with my hands which they were so broke I couldn't feel them, and my teen daughter was outside screaming cuz she could hear her mom getting beat, then something busted the window where i was setting or feel in?? but it scared them so they hit me a few more times then they left, I crawled to the window and said someone call 911 and I heard my daughter say ma I have been and the door is locked I can't get to you, if I could change one thing it would be that my daughter wasn't there, but I found out was it was all over my husband was on drugs and I had no idea and thats not the worse he robbed a drug house, so I am very very lucky to be alive today, part 4 coming up tomorrow.


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